Woe To Every Sinful Liar (Quran:45:7)
I am not something original among the messengers, nor do I know what will be done with me or with you. I only follow that which rightly guides me, and I am not but a true warner. (Quran:46:9)
BUT, I AM sends not a warning, I AM sends a clear sign.
The Dead Shall Come Forth.
The Chaff Shall Be Separated.
The Wheat Shall Rise.
Know this, each Karma strand is liken unto a Bill(debt owed) one that cannot be consolidated against others but of its own weighs and measures of Right and Wrong against your Being.
Woe To Every Deceiver.
Woe To Every Participant. Woe To All Whom Lie Still In Complicity. Your immorality, Your Wickedness, exceeds all bounds like a 8oz cup is used to hold a Gallon of water, it knows no limits and soaks all around it with its likeness.
May You Reap That Which your Immorality have Sown
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7
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